Can You Dig It?
We're plugging away at the Elk's Bluff Greenhouse. The trickier
subground work is now done. The above ground work will go very fast,
especially as a bunch of friends will be coming over to work on it.
Even if all the details aren't finished, they'll be ready for the
Open House and party on Saturday, September 15th. See the
Facebook announcement at
Come one, come all! There will be food, crafts, our books for sale,
and music on Saturday, September 15th, 2012, from 2 until 8
pm. Look for the greenhouse on the east side of Highways 7 and 59,
just north of Montevideo, Minnesota!

Busy, busy, busy
My next book is also coming along nicely. It brings me joy to remember
my voyage of discovery, and to talk over what I found with others.
Good News!
Progress on the greenhouse at Elk's Bluff continues. Yesterday I
put in a few hours helping with ventilation pipe for the heat storage
system. We should have the entire sub-ground section done by
Their plan is still to have a big Open House and party on
Saturday, September 15th. See the Facebook announcement at
Come one, come all! There will be food, crafts, our books for sale,
and music on Saturday, September 15th, 2012, from 2 until 8
pm. Look for the greenhouse on the east side of Highways 7 and 59,
just north of Montevideo, Minnesota!
Bad News
I got a phone call today from a contact in the Twin Cities. She
wanted to talk about the Great Garlic Disaster, which most of us only heard about at the annual Garlic Festival. Few people realize
that most of the garlic in southern Minnesota was wiped out by a
freakish invasion of leaf hoppers! These critters, blown in on
strange winds from Texas, carried a virus that mostly effects garlic.
We're lucky, as a slightly different version effects carrots, cone
flowers (eccinacia), and dozens of other plants. She's been having
some trouble getting solid information on just what happened, and on
whether it's safe to plant her surviving garlic as seed for next
I told her that this illustrates something that I've seen in my
travels- pretty much everywhere is having plagues of invasive
species, or locals gone all out of kilter. I've seen mites, Japanese
beetles, leaf hoppers, flea beetles, and various borers. In some
places they're worried about grasshoppers going berserk just before
The problem that concerned her is that nobody seems to be talking
about this. As gardeners/farmers we're all effected by such events.
Knowing what's going on, and what did or didn't help, is vital. I
remind folks that we have a site for discussing issues-
It's not much, but it's a way to get the word out. Join us, and post
what you've been seeing.
I'm carving out time as best I can to work on the travel book. My
contacts around the loop gave me a lot of good material.
I'm also helping some people here get their greenhouse up and
going, as the project has expanded on them. It started with a retired
engineer wanting to put a small greenhouse off of his barn. Friends
and relations got involved. The greenhouse is now going to be twice
as big, and the barn converted into a shop for selling crafts and
local foods. The guy is also planting more fruit trees, expanding his
spring sugar tapping, and building a chicken coop. This is what the
New World looks like.

They're having an open house/grand opening on September 15th, just northwest of Montevideo, MN. (
There will be food, a couple of local bands, and media coverage. We
want to start this operation off with a bang. It would be wonderful
if some of you could come, to meet our sustainability community, and
to share your own adventures. Building community is the whole point,
and if our community can help inspire yours, or vice-versa, great.
This morning I awoke to find that it's our neighborhood's turn for
the water and sewer upgrade work that's disrupted things around Milan
this summer. I got home late from the theatre, so of course they
started bright and early, with machinery that sounded like a whole
battalion of tanks was invading. The critters were all upset. One cat
kept running from window to window, trying to figure out what the
heck was going on. I hid in the back bedroom and managed to get
enough sleep- I hope.
When I awoke it was to find a workman at the door, asking that I
move my car. I hadn't realized that they'd be tearing up BOTH streets
on our corner. I guess that we'll be parking in the alley and coming
in through the garden for a while.
I'm not really complaining. The work needs to be done. Change,
especially positive change, tends to be disruptive. This had been put
off for a while, so it was being a bit more disruptive than it might
have needed to be. Things need fixing when they need it- the longer
you wait, the harder it gets.
Being thoroughly awake, I put on some music and tackled housework.
Today I chose a '50s pop mix: I like the old crooners, the McGuire
Sisters, Percy Faith, and Les Paul. While doing dishes I was hit by
an epiphany, one of those moments when several ideas crystallize into
something new.
The first insight is very obvious, that change requires tearing
out the old structures, and is disruptive and scary.
The second was in considering the sentimentality of the music. You
can't really blame those who regret the passing of that age. I know,
it wasn't great for everyone, far from it, but it was for a lot of
The third element was the conversations that I've had with people
about the idea that Western Civilization hit its peak around the
late-middle Twentieth Century.
Then it struck me. By the 1950s we'd hit on the general framework
for a just and prosperous society. The Civil Rights protests that
were starting then were a sort of “road work,” fixing things that
weren't quite right. It was work that desperately needed doing, but
could be accomplished. The work got more intense in the '60s. We
tackled racial equality, women's rights, pollution, and poverty.
These things needed fixing, and could be in that general social
Then it went wrong. Some people didn't like the “road work.”
They wanted the peacefulness of the '50s without the disruption. They
thought that things had been fine before all those troublemakers got
uppity. They stood up to put a stop to the whole thing. Nixon got
elected. Fundamentalist religions exploded.
We spent the '70s vacillating, then Reagan was elected, and our
fate was sealed. The “road work” was left half done. It became
mainstream to say that there'd been no need to “tear up the
streets” at all.
Consider that Nixon, a scary conservative, would
be a Lefty today. That's how much things have changed.
So, here we are, with far worse disruptions on the horizon. We
could have avoided many of them if we'd finished what we'd started
decades ago, but too many people found it inconvenient.