As some of you know, I’ve been having health issues- weeks
of abdominal pain, failing energy, chills, and a raft of other draining not-quite-right
things. After months of bugging my doctor to figure something out, he concluded
that I had a bleeding peptic ulcer, based largely on my having become severely
anemic. What followed was weeks of medication, including an iron supplement
that caused severe and agonizing constipation. This was certainly going to cure
me if I just toughed it out. My questions and complaints were put off as

Meanwhile, under orders from my surgeon, I spent most of today,
Tuesday, getting a massive transfusion. This was the first thing that my
former doctor should have ordered. To add insult to injury, when I got
home there was a phone message from that doctor’s nurse, that I need to calm
down and try a different formula of iron supplement. I guess that they didn’t
get the memo.
A lot of people haven’t gotten the memo in recent decades.
Our one and only Earth, like my one and only gut, has been showing symptoms of
serious illness for a long time, close to half a century. Aside from a few
well-paid loonies and shills, the science is settled- we are screwing up our
planet’s climate. It’s our fault. It’s too late to stop it. The people running
the planet don’t want to take any real steps, but are tweaking the “iron
supplements” of policy in ways which just further centralize things and make
them less adaptable. Maybe we’ll muddle through with a painful interlude of
economic collapse, die-offs, and the totalitarian government which will inevitably
follow. Maybe the consequences will be so severe that all that matters is how
much style and grace we show as we bow out. No one can say for certain.
My greenhouse and local foods work over the past decade has
never really been about greenhouses or food. It’s been about giving people
tools, and experience in a way of thinking, a way that will help them to adapt
and thrive in the messy world to come. As long as I have the strength and
breath that’s what I’ll keep doing. As a local businessman told me, “Chuck, you
may end up saving millions of lives.” That would be nice.
Then there’s that matter of style and grace. I may be about
to be handed a rare and precious opportunity. A person’s true character shows
best in adversity. I may be about to experience soul-searing adversity. It surely
hurts a lot so far. Will I dry up into the whiney husk of a man, or be
remembered as one of those noble souls whose fiery trial burned away all the
illusions and ego, leaving an inspiration for others? Time will tell. I freely
admit that it scares the shit out of me, but know that courage isn’t lack of
fear, but being terrified and doing what you had to anyway. Maybe it will be a
false alarm, but I refuse to engage in the Bargaining and Denial that climate change
deniers do. I only pray that if I must I can be the kind of example that we’re
all going to need in the days to come.
Today is your Birthday, pops. At 36 looking back at this, I am so proud of you. Your shtty parents never said that and you really deserved more compliments for always at least trying to make a change. I'm honestly relieved you passed before the chapter in your book where Israel bulldozes more refugee camps and starts ww3, became a reality. Thank you for moving us to western MN and getting to experience what a rad, working class, progressive farming community was like. I tried to find it on the west coast but it was there, in Minnesota all along. The west coast is fake AF. Gentrified n too sarcastic to enjoy anything. I'm just hoping to be half as bad ass as you when I go. I love that you refused chemo too. Much love pops. If there is an after life, I truly hope you're the one who walks me across the rainbow bridge. Much love.